Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A toast to treason

Several acquaintances had suggested that we make a toast in observance of the anniversary of the repeal of prohibition. This was in the midst of, and in addition to, all of the holiday imbibing.

Ironically, the "nanny" state that afflicts Americans today originated during the Progressive Era, which spawned the dreaded 18th amendment. Just as the temperance movement had hoped to save our population from the ravages of demon rum, new ideologues inside the beltway claim to protect and serve.

At least matrons of the past century had the good sense to work with the system and to amend the Constitution. In our time, no such efforts were made. To protect us from the terrorists, our rights are abrogated.

Disregard for these unalienable rights is why acts of the Bush administration constituted treason.

Our society must prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law. Now the United States Congress is complicit as well, by declining to take action against individuals who are nothing more than common criminals. Is the Rule of Law now "too much bother" during these uncertain times?

Isn't that what our elected representatives really said when they did not impeach W? We think of our pocketbooks before all else, which is proof positive that this is far from a great nation. As long as we can hold out some hope of economic recovery, it seems a name that will live in infamy is just reward for our tarnished former chief executive. This would be after a stint in rehab, of course.

I disagree. Treason is a capital offense. I have declined to raise my glass at this time. No one has done me any favors, and I have sought neither a pardon nor a bailout. What prosecution would you have had to endure, should you have transgressed in such a manner?

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