Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No relief in sight from Robot Calls

Since you and I have had some intelligent dialog about the legal ramifications of the TCPA, I have been meaning to write and to remind you that a new Federal statute finally kicked in.

What is new is the long awaited addition of automated opt out for robot calls. Although TM laws vary by state, this is national. Consumers should be able to press a button and never be called again by an automated system on behalf of a specified program or client. This is only relevant to calls without human to human interaction.

Of course, since I do not think that the TCPA is good, this addition is not particularly thrilling. In fact, may I suggest that this is just another example of how the law lags behind? From what I understand, you have always preferred the back door, so I thought you might be interested.

Jests aside, I am writing just to keep you up to date on what is for me a professional matter.

None of my current employers or clients is interested in automated calling, so this new statute has little relevance. As you have seen, I declined to participate in the most recent election mess, and I know that laws are very infrequently enforced at city hall. Going forward, I suspect politicians will be the only users of this obsolete approach anyway. We suppose that the delayed implementation of this new ability for consumers to opt out, under penalty of law, was tied to events in November.

I do not expect any relief from the constant ringing at any time soon, despite the statute. Best -D

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